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Booking in advance is required for all lessons and rides. We are unable to accommodate riders without a prior booking. Please book directly on ECpro. It allows you to book up to 12 hours prior to any session. If the time frame is shorter, please email us directly or call us and we can try to book you in.

Please make sure your helmet is up to standard. PAS1998 and SNELL 2001 are NOT accepted. We are now offering to tag your helmet to show a Tower Farm staff member has checked it is regulation. Please just ask for it to be done. See BHS Assessments Hat Rules.

A gentle appeal for support plants_17_2.gif

2024 has been a challenging year for Tower Farm and we’ve faced some unexpected and significant expenses. This winter has been particularly wet and we've had to accommodate extra horses in stables to ensure their welfare, which has added additional costs for labor, hay and straw. The recent storm caused considerable damage to our buildings, roofs, and electrical systems, which all had to be repaired or replaced. It has put a further strain on our resources. If you feel you’re in a position to offer support, we have a 'DONATE' option through ECpro. Any contribution, no matter how small, whether financial or otherwise, would be deeply appreciated. Thanks for your time and consideration.


7 February

View video of our facilities.

4 February

New Cancellation & Refund policy section added on FAQ page.

3 February

Please note that our Gift Vouchers are valid for 12 months.

2 February

Arena hire: Indoor available most Wednesday's after 6pm. Most Saturday & Sunday after 5pm. Outdoor arena usually available at various points throughout the day. Please contact management.

1 February

February holiday stable management sessions.

Friday 14th 10.15 - 11.15am £25

Friday 14th 11.30 - 12.30am £25

Each session will have a different 'topic' so you can come along to both of you so wish. Suitable age 6 years plus. Any riding standard welcome.

This session will be undercover but outdoors. Please dress appropriately.

All activities bookable on ECpro under 'Activities'.

26 January

Lessons should be able to go ahead on Sunday 26th. Please check Facebook for the latest info.

We’re incredibly grateful for the support we’ve received from our amazing clients. A few kind individuals have already used the 'DONATE' button on ECpro to contribute towards the unexpected costs of repairing the storm damage, and we can't thank you enough. Your generosity truly makes a difference and helps us immensely during this time.

25 January

All sessions today CANCELLED. Sincere apologies.

23 January

Please note that all sessions on Friday 24th January CANCELLED.

22 January

7 January

Feb Hols Fun Jumping: There will be 2 small events in February.

8th Feb - Level 3 and above riders who can jump 50cm confidently.

11th Feb- Level 2 & 3 riders, fun poles/very small jumps.

Our December show was a great success. Most Level 2&3 riders had never ridden around a full course before. Help can be given for all riders if required.

Horses and ponies will be shared between riders so you are unable to request a certain one.

All activities bookable on ECpro under 'Activities'.

7 January

New Pricelist effective from 10 January 2025 added.

Please remember we offer discount tokens (buy 10 get 11th free). They are valid for 12 months. The group ones can be used for group lessons and Braid rides. Private ones can be used for private lessons and private ride outs.

We also offer a get 10% discount for loyal customers. Pay £250 or more directly into the bank or in the office and receive 10% extra credit. See details.

Clients can either do tokens or receive 10% extra credit, not in conjunction.

Buying tokens before 10/1/25
Group sessions = £36.81 per session
Private sessions = £46.81 per session


31 December

Job vacancy: prior experience essential

Yard maternity cover - ideally 9-12pm, 3-4 days a week. Duties would include mucking and general yard duties.

Coach - weekday mornings 10-1pm to teach mostly private/semi-private lessons.

Please email management to discuss further.

17 December

Festive Opening Hours/Lessons 2024/25


15 December

ECpro has 'Donation' option. Any support is very gratefully received.

12 December

Flat work and Jumping classes dates 2025 added.

11 December

New Livery prices from 1 January 2025

20 November

Christmas Fun Jumping during the Christms holidays. There will be 2 small events in December.

Monday 23rd - Level 3 and above riders who can jump 50cm confidently.

Monday 30th - Level 2 & 3 riders, fun poles/very small jumps if confident.

3 November

Looking for the perfect Xmas gift? Treat your loved one to a Tower Farm Gift Voucher with a value of your choice. Tower Farm vouchers can be to any value and are valid for 18 months. They can be ordered, printed and emailed within minutes on your phone or PC. If you'd like purchase in person, please bring cash and we can print off voucher on site. Lessons take place all year round and we offer Pony Rides for children 3-8 years from April to October. Don't forget to check out our Merchandise which makes for excellent presents, too!

2 November

Please note that ECpro will be offline on Monday 4th November due to scheduled maintenance. During this time booking services and account access will be unavailable. For cancellations or questions, please contact us by phone or email. Apologies.

31 October

Tower Farm Clinic. Sunday 3rd November at 5pm onwards. Brilliant coaching sessions for riders with their own horse.

25 October

Fun Show Jumping on Saturday 16th November. Entries on the field. Catering stand available.

23 October

New step by step guide: How to register and How to book a lesson added.

22 September

October holiday activities dates added.

All activities bookable on ECpro under 'Activities'.

12 September

Edinburgh Riding of the Marches on Sunday 15th September

Spectator viewing points as follows.

11 September

BHS information of Rider Weight added. Click the image to enlarge.

1 September

The stables will be closed from 12pm on Saturday 14th September until 2pm Monday 16th for the Edinburgh Riding of the Marches. There are lots of vantage points on the ride which we will publish a couple of days prior. Trip to the Royal Mile is definitely worth it.

13 August

Car Boot Sale - Saturday 7th September between 2pm and 5pm.

£15 per table (email at emraltd@gmail.com to book a space).

£1 per person entry for visitors.

11 August

The city of Edinburgh Autumn Horse Show Jumping on Sunday 1st September. All entries on the day. For Minis &Novices starting at 12pm approx. For Intermediates & Experienced starting 3pm approx. Strictly No DOGS.

3 August

Sunday 1st September 2024. City of Edinburgh Autumn Horse Show. More information coming soon.

1 August

Photography & Recording policy updated.

31 July

Please note that we are closed 26th & 27th August for a much needed rest for horses and staff. We are also closed from 12pm on 14th September till 2pm on 16th for the Edinburgh Riding of the Marches.

4 June

Small timetable change: Sunday morning 10am session will now be a Level 4/5/6. This is to allow progression for all the riders. If you are a level 4 Sunday rider, please speak to your instructor to see if it is appropriate to move to 10am or stay coming at 11am.

20 May

Our Photography & Recording policy added.

19 May

Summer 2024 Fun Activities added:
Fun mornings (Level 1-3, Age 6-12),
Equine experience mornings (Level 3-6, Age 7-16)

Please book directly on ECpro under 'Activities'.

18 May

During the school holidays there will be an additional 3pm Level 1/2 group lessons from Monday to Thursday. Great way to experience riding for the first time. All sessions are book as you wish to come along.

Please book directly on ECpro.

11 May

City of Edinburgh Summer Show tomorrow, on Suday 12th, starting at 9.30am approx. Spectators VERY welcome. Great catering on offer. Cash and card payments accepted. Parking on site will only be for lorries and trailers On-the-day entries will be accepted for anyone contemplating coming. It's a lovely supportive event.

10 May

Evening Demo with Patrick Print.

Polework to improve Flatwork
Wednesday 29th May 2024 at 6.30pm
Pre-booked tickets: Adults - £15. Under 14s - £10
On-the-Night tickets: Adults - £20. Under 14s - £15

Join us as Patrick takes riders through a series of exercises using poles to show how these can help improve your flatwork.

16 April

City of Edinburgh Summer Show on 12th May. Spectators welcome. Parking on site this day will only be for lorries and trailers For Online Entries. On-the-day entries will be accepted at extra cost.

24 March

Job vacancy: Maintenance person required for either part or full time hours. Varied role helping keep public areas safe and tidy. Previous experience with low level joinery/plumbing essential. Driving license required, preferably over 25 years old for insurance. Please email any applications to management.

21 March

BHS Silver Ride Safe Award Course on 22nd April:
for any6 rider Level 4 and above, 11 years plus that are confident riding out of the arena. Riders must have had some prior awareness of road ridibng.
Cost £100, this includes training manual and horse hire. Certificate awarded. Please book directly on ECpro

10 March

Fun Show Jumping Show on Saturday 20th April. Horses available for hire. Please contact us directly.

8 March

Fun Show Jumping Show in aid of Edinburgh Riding of the Marches on Saturday 30th March. A fun show for younger & novice riders with novice horses & ponies. Horses available for hire. Please contact us directly.

25 February

Notice: on Monday 26th February ECpro will be off line for scheduled maintenance. This will mean you will not be able to use the system to book or check your account.

15 February

Easter 2024 Fun Activities added:
Fun mornings (Level 1-3, Age 6-12),
Equine experience mornings (Level 3-6, Age 7-16)
SJ lessons (Level 4-6).

14 February

Fun Jumping Show on Saturday 24th February at 4pm. Horses available to hire.

13 February

Added Common Ride 2024 dates & prices

3 February

Stable management sessions. Learn about non-ridden aspects of horses and ponies.

Suitability: for all levels over 6 years old


Monday 12 February 11.15am-12.15pm & 2-3pm

Wednesday 14 February 11.15am-12.15pm

Prices: £20

Please book via the Activity Course section on EC pro.

28 January

Fun Jumping Show on Saturday 24 February at 4pm. Horses available to hire. Schedules will be available soon.

15 January

Updated the Prices page. New price list will be effective from 18 January 2024. Until the new prices come into effect, you can still book/purchase tokens with the existing prices.

13 January

Unfotunately, clietns are no longer allowed to give horses treats directly. However, treats can be placed in a box by the door of the viewing gallery. A member of staff will give the treats to the horse afterwards.


21 December

Wishing all our clients a very Merry Christmand a Happy New Year. Thank you for all the support through 2023.

20 December

Flat work and Jumping classes dates 2024 added.

7 November

Evening Dressage on Sunday 12th November for riders with their own horse. Entries close today. No need to plait or be in show jackets. Great for getting a novice rider or horse having a try at dressage.

7 November

Festive opening hours. Sessions live for booking until 5/1/24. Fun afternoons for Level 3-6 on 27th & 28th. Please book under 'activities' on ECpro.

5 November

Thinking about X mas presents? Tower Farm vouchers can be to any value and are valid for 18 months. They can be ordered, printed and emailed within minutes on your phone or PC. If you'd like purchase in person, please bring cash and we can print off voucher on site. We have a large indoor arena with viewing gallery so lessons take place all year round.

9 October

Evening Dressage on 12th November. You require your own horse for this event. Please enter directly on ECpro. It comes under 'Events' on the home screen.

5 October

From Monday October 30th to Friday 3rd November we are running a BHS/ARMY course. Therefore, lessons won't be available until 12pm each day. Apologies for any inconvenience. After 12pm private sessions and evening group lessons are available as normal.

4 October

Small amendments of Livery prices.

21 September

We have made a few timetable changes to spread horses hours and offer them more rest days. Monday 6pm will now be Leisure lesson and 7pm Level 4-6 over 12 yrs. No Wednesday evening classes now.

20 September

Merchandise page updated. Brilliant Xmas present ideas. Different colours available. Please contact them directly.

5 September

Fun mornings 16th & 23rd Octoer. Age 6-12 years.

4 September

Booking now live for groups and private sessions until 15 December 2023.

27 July

Job vacancies: if interested, please contact management.

1. An individual to help with mucking out mornings weekdays, ideally going into the winter months.

2. A coach to do ad-hoc hours.

25 July

Tower Farm Fun Jumping Show on Sunday 30th July. Great for novice riders/horses or ponies. Cash entries on the night.

All home baking gratefully received. Spectators very welcome. Please park all cars on street.

27 June

Ever fancied trying horse riding? we have released extra slots through summer holidays. Our weekend sessions fill really quickly so it's nice to be able to offer more capacity.

No commitment to book more than one session. Helmets, footwear and body protectors can be borrowed free of charge. Long stretchy trousers and top covering shoulders are only equipment required.

Please register & book on ECpro.

24 June

Sometimes we have clietns arriving in attire that are not safe for riding. There are quick recap of safe & comfortable clothing for riding:

  • Full length trousers, preferably stretchy e.g. jodhpurs, leggings, trackies.
  • Tops must cover shoulders and must have full torso coverage.
  • Nothing should be able to flap. No loose scarves.
  • Excessive jewellery should be removed, nothing that could get caught like hoop earrings.
  • Gloves are advisable.
  • Waterproof jackets for rides but most lessons are taking in indoor arena.
  • A shoe or boot with small heel to stop foot slipping through the stirrup. Wellies that are not too chunky can be ok – trainers and flip flops are not at all safe. All footwear must have closed toe. If borrowing footwear, use full socks as trainer liner likely to rub.

4 June

Please don't feed the horses. Horses have sensitive dietary requirements which are managed carefully by their owners. Interfering with this diet can cause problems that can be fatal. Thank you for helping us to keep them safe.

22 May

Ride outs can often be arranged when lessons are at capacity. Please email requests to the office.

12 May

Summer 2023 Fun Activities added:
Fun mornings (Level 1-3, Age 6-12),
Equine experience mornings (Level 3-6, Age 7-16)
SJ lessons (Level 4-6).

2 May

Announcement: we have seen a recent surge in clients selecting jumping sessions every booking. We operate a flat week/jump week system for group lessons. This is for our horses welfare and to keep them each enjoying a variety of work. In future if you request a jumping session for private sessions, this will be a request and not guaranteed. Flat work is incredibly important and doing transitions, school movements and work without stirrups will ultimately improve your position over a fence and control around a course. Hope everyone is understanding that we wish to keep our horses happy and healthy.

1 May

A very special lady Anne Davies, who had been part of Tower Farm for over 50 years passed recently. Anne and her daughter Sarah were clients of the riding school before it was even officially registered. They then both became liveries and Anne was still a livery and actively riding her lovely horse Jazz in her 89th year. A fantastic lady that many of us have amazing memories of our time with her. The family are having a small private service Monday 15 May at Mortonhall. The hearse will stop for a few moments outside Tower Farm 11.10am approx if anybody wishes to pay their respects. Anne has asked for no flowers but donations to Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Anne Davis (13/10/1928 - 23/4/2023)

10 April

British Horse Society horse care course with Belinda Northcott. Information evening on 17th April at 7pm at Tower Farm. Brilliant for anyone who are interested in horses, who are perhaps thinking of being a horse owner or adult helper in the future. Contact Belinda direct if you are interested.

23 March

Aimee Gardiner Show Jumping Clinic on 16 April for riders with their own horses.

22 March

Revise timetable from 1 April 2023.
Saturday 10am Level 4/5
Sunday 10am Level 5/6
Tuesday 7.30pm Level 5/6 (12 years plus)

The revised timetable is to offer more opportuunity for progress at the higher levels.

21 March

Pony rides will be starting on 1st April. Please book on ECpro

20 March

City of Edinburgh May Summer Show on 7th May. There will be no Level 3 session at 3pm to accommodate the show jumping section of the event. Spectators welcome. Parking on site this day will only be for lorries and trailers. Please utilise the on street parking and enter through front gate.

19 March

Musselburgh Crusaders Riding Club Fun Show Jumping Show on 29th April at Tower Farm Riding Stables. Horses and ponies available for hire. Please contact us directly.

11 March

Volunteers page and volunteer's form updated.

23 February

Fun Mornings April 2023 dates.

Please book via the Activity Course section on EC pro.

22 February

Stable management -non ridden sessions.
Learn about all aspects of pony care and spend time with your favorite ponies

Prices: £20

Suitability: any riding standard over 6 years old


Monday 3rd April 10-11am / 11-12pm

Monday 10th April 10-11am / 11-12pm

Please book via the Activity Course section on EC pro.

21 February

Fun Show Jumping Show in aid of Edinburgh Riding of the Marches on Saturday 8 April. Entries taken on the day. Horses available for hire. Please contact Tower Farm directly.

9 February

Please check your helmet is up to standard. PAS1998 and SNELL 2001 are retired. We are now offering to tag your helmet to show a Tower Farm staff member has checked it is regulation. Please just ask for it to be done.

6 February

For a trial period (Feb & Mar) the 7pm Wednesday group will be a 1 hour session for riders Level 5/6. This session is geared towards our more advanced riders. Flat work weeks included, lateral work, no stirrup exercises, doing horse assessments on different horses etc. Jump weeks include grid work, riding courses, adjusting distances in related fences etc. Come along and join in. Spaces available.

1 February

Vacancy filled. Thanks to all that applied. Job vacancy for an enthusiastic coach to join our team on a part time basis. Initially looking for someone every fortnight on a Saturday 10am - 2pm. Candidates need to have prior coaching experience, be very safety conscious and fun. Likely to be other ad hoc hours available if wished.

23 January

Vacancy filled. Thanks to all that applied. Part time maintenance person required for busy stables. 1 day, hopefully a Tuesday, starting end of February.

22 January

Updated the Prices page.

We offer a buy 10 get 11th session free if you purchase tokens on your ECpro account. Valid for 12 months and can be used for any rider registered to you.

We are also offering a 10% extra deal on credit if you spend more than £250 in one transaction on rides or lessons. Please arrange in office with payment made by BACS or in cash. (For example you bring £270 cash or make bank transfer in office, we then place £297 credit on your ECpro account.)

15 January

More session added. Stable management sessions. Learn about non ridden aspects of horses.

Prices: £20

Suitability: any riding standard over 6 years old

When: Wednesday 15th February 1-2pm

Please book via the Activity Course section on EC pro.

14 January

Added questions on the FAQ page:

How to unsubscribe from emails and notifications from EC pro.

How to remove riders from my account.

12 January

Stable management sessions. Learn about non ridden aspects of horses.

Prices: £20

Suitability: any riding standard over 6 years old


Monday 13th February 10-11am / 11-12pm / 12-1pm

Thursday 16th February 2-3pm / 3-4pm

Please book via the Activity Course section on EC pro.

11 January

Jumping and pole work session for riders with their own horse on Sunday 15th January at 4.30pm. Message 07969313199 to book.

10 January

I am sure it ll come as no great surprise but unfortunately all overheads are increasingly at alarming rates. Price increases are for all bookings made after 23/01/23 regardless of date of session. You can purchase as many token packages as you wish at the existing rate untill 22nd January. 365 days to use.

We are also going to be offering a 10% extra deal on credit if you spend more than £250 in one transaction on rides or lessons. Please arrange in office with payment made by BACS or in cash. (For example you bring £270 cash or make bank transfer in office, we then place £297 credit on your ECpro account.)

9 January

New Lively Prices from 1 February 2023.

4 January

Tower Farm Fun Show Jumping on Saturday 11th February. Horses are available for hire. Riders must be level 3 or above to take part.

1 January

Please note that all gift vouchers purchased from January 2023 are valid for 18 months.